論文題目 | 第一作者 | 發表刊物/論文集 |
城鄉小學數學教師TPACK現狀的比較與分析 | 段志貴 | 小學數學教與學 |
構造:讓解題突破思維瓶頸 | 段志貴 | 數學通報 |
Hamiltonian graphs of given order and | 郭曙光 | Linear and Multilinear Algebra |
Ordering cacti with signless Laplacian spread | 郭曙光 | Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra |
Ordering Quasi-Tree Graphs on n Vertices by Their Spectral Radii | 郭曙光 | Journal of Mathematical Research with Applications |
新聞報道中“萌語言”的使用之道 | 吉照遠 | 青年記者 |
數字設備界面系統中的交互安全研究 | 劉偉 | 包裝工程 |
教育信息化國家級教學成果獎獲獎作品分析 | 陸斌 | 中國遠程教育 |
Testing for Homogeneity of Exponential Correlation Nonlinear Mixed Models Based on M-estimation | 孫慧慧 | 應用概率統計 |
Admissible periodic bouncing solutions for a | 王超 | Chin. Quart. J. of Math. |
一類雙質子耦合格點系統的對稱周期解 | 王超 | 四川師範大學學報(自然科學版) |
Quasi-rational canonical forms of a matrix over a number field | 王住登 | Advances in Linear Algebra & Matrix Theory |
On monotone eigenvectors of a Max-T fuzzy matrix | 王住登 | Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics |
Multiview max-margin subspace learning for cross-view gait recognition | 徐萬江 | Pattern Recognition Letters |
Statistical Analysis of Fuzzy Linear Regression Model Based on Different Distances | 張愛武 | International Journal of Fuzzy Logic Systems |
Bifurcation analysis of a rigid impact oscillator with bilinear damping | 張麗萍 | Shock and Vibration |
Chaotic attractors with a single non-hyperbolic fixed point in a class of two-dimensional maps | 張麗萍 | International Journal of Nonlinear Science |
On the least Q-eigenvalue of | 張榮 | Linear Algebra and its Applications |
Ordering connected non-bipartite graphs by the least Q-eigenvalue | 張榮 | Ars Combinatoria |
Existence of strongly symmetrical weakly pandiagonal graeco-latin squares | 張勇 | Special Matrices |
Finite-time chaos synchronization of the delay Lorenz system with disturbance via a single controller | 周燕 | Journal of Information and Computing Science |
The Topological Properties and Construction Methods of Complex Networks Guided by Algebraic Graph Theory | 朱世平 | chimica oggi CHEMISTRY TODAY |