論文标題 | 第一或通訊作者 | 期刊名稱 |
Maximizing algebraic connectivity for quasi-c-cyclic graphs | 郭曙光 | Ars Combinatoria |
The Quasi-tree Graph with Maximum Laplacian Spread | 郭曙光 | Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society |
“讓學引思”視域下高中數學生長型課堂探究 -以鹽城市龍岡中學為例 | 郭曙光 | 鹽城師範學院學報(人文社科版) |
A new class of two-dimensional chaotic maps with closed curve fixed points | 姜海波 | International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos |
A family of multimagic squares based on large sets of orthogonal arrays | 張勇 | Ars Combinatoria |
微課讓水課變金課 | 張勇 | 中國多媒體與網絡教學學報 |
Universal Approach to Z–frame Envelopes of Semilattices | 李高林 | Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science |
Electric activities of time-delay memristive neuron disturbed by Gaussian white noise | 史雪榮 | Cognitive Neurodynamics |
Dynamics Analysis of a 4D Neuron model under Periodic Disturbance | 史雪榮 | Journal of Information and Computing Science |
Energy Dependence of Modified Hindmarsh-Rose Neuron under Periodic Disturbance | 史雪榮 | Journal of Information and Computing Science |
Synchronization in networks of initially independent dynamical systems | 劉勇 | Physica A |
一類次線性弱耦合系統無窮多個周期解的存在性 | 王超 | 數學學報 |
一類帶有界回複力非線性Hill型方程的周期解 | 王超 | 數學物理學報 |
Common fixed point theorems in Menger probabilistic metric spaces using the CLRg property | 王雙 | Journal of Nonliear Science and Applications |
Corrected Discrete Approximations for Multiple Window Scan Statistics of One-Dimensional Poisson Processes | 林奕伸 | Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability |
Parameter Identification of Nonlinear Systems with Time-delay Based on the Multi-innovation Stochastic Gradient Algorithm | 徐春明 | Universal Journal of Control and Automation |
關于熵的連續性定理的證明 | 呂以茜 | 淮陰工學院學報 |
Finite-time chaos synchronization of the delay hyperchaotic Lü system with disturbance | 周燕 | Journal of Information and Computing Science |
最小Q-特征值的擾動定理的推廣及其應用 | 張榮 | 數學進展 |
A single finite-time synchronization scheme of time-delay chaotic system with external periodic disturbance | 黃娟娟 | Mathematical Foundations of Computing |
Dynamical behavior and synchronization in time-delay fractional-order coupled neurons under electromagnetic radiation | 孟凡淇 | Nonlinear Dynamics |
Impulsive anti-synchronization control for fractional-order chaotic circuit with memristor | 孟凡淇 | Indian Journal of Physics |
Image encryption based on fractional-order memristive neuron system and DNA coding technology | 孟凡淇 | Journal of Information and Computing Science |
The perturbed compound Poisson-Geometric risk model with constant interest and a threshold dividend strategy | 崔冶敏 | Journal of Information and Computing Science |
“互聯網+”背景下的信息化教學技能培養 | 劉偉 | 林區教學 |